Incontro con il Propeller Club Port of Istanbul

19 luglio 2020 - Mercoledì 22 luglio, alle ore 17,00, il Propeller Club propone l’incontro via Web - - con il Propeller Club Port of Istanbul.

Il programma è il seguente: Propeller Club Port of Istanbul and Propeller Club Italy “Italy and Turkey, important maritime countries in the Mediterranean” Joint Webinar Event OPENING REMARKS:
Neslihan TOMBUL, President The International Propeller Port of Istanbul
Umberto MASUCCI, President The International Propeller, Italy

17,10/17,30 Keynote Speakers
Yüksel YILDIRIM, CEO and President at Yildirim Holding, Inc.
Alessandro PANARO, Head of Maritime Division SRM (Center for Economic Studies and Research Banca Intesa: “ COVID – 19: a new challenge for Med Ports”

17,30/18,30 Filippo FABBRI, Marketing Manager of PL Ferrari, leading insurance broker “6 years of P.L Ferrari’s presence in the Turkish market”
Şadan KAPTANOĞLU, President, BİMCO
Antonio MANESCHI , Owner and CEO TO Delta logistics
Kris ADAMS, CEO DP World
Sergio PRETE, President Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea – Port of Taranto, “Turkey – Taranto: The coordinated development of the central and eastern Mediterranean for goods and cruises”
Fuat PAMUKCU, VP Strategy, Business Development and Strategy, DFDS. Presentation will focus on the RoRo market, Multi-Model transport and OBOR
Fabrizio VETTOSI, CEO of VSL,an italian fund specilized in Shipping and ports “Port infrastructure : Italian Pattern for Financial Investors”
18,30/18,45 Jonathan BEARD, CEO, The Catoni Group Axel BUTROS, CEO, Butros Maritime and Transport
Vittorio ZAGAIA, CEO, Galata Transport
18,45 Q&A

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