9th October 2019 - “Shipping and the Law”, the annual conference organized by Studio Legale Lauro, this year reaches a major milestone, celebratingits Thents Edition Anniversary. The event, which every year brings together many of the most important personalities in the shippings will take place on 9th and 10th October, in the fourteenth century “Barons Hall” of the ‘Maschio Angioino’ Castle, a renaissances symbol of Naplesl located in the heart of the ancient maritime city, near by City Hall and the antique Angevin dock. The conference, this year are focused on“The Shock of the New”, will be officially opened on 9th October, by a welcome address - Innovating in a Time of Flux - from maritimel lawyer and conference organizer Francesco S. Lauro. This will be followed by a speech given by the vice president of the Institute for International Affairs Vincenzo Camporini, who willa address the “ New International Balances: Evolution or Revolution?” and by the opening addresses of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) president Esben Poulsson - The Shock of the New: The 4th Propulsion Revolution the European Community Shipowners Associations (ECSA) president New Global Political Landscape Effects on Shipping and Trade from an EU Perspective, the Confitarma president Mario Mattioli - The Shock of the New: Confitarma Perspective, the Confitarma Young Shipowners president Giacomo Gavarone - The Young Shipowners and the Future. The proceeding will continue with a round table “ The Shock of the New in Ship Finance” - moderated by prof. Arturo Capasso - which will include Giuseppe Bottiglieri - president of Giuseppe Bottiglieri Shipping Company, Nicola Coccia - pastpresident Confitarma, Peppino D’Amato - chairman Perseveranza SpA di Navigazione, Vincenzo Ercole Salazar Sarsfield - Global Head Italian Infrastructure, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Fabrizio Vettosi - CEO Venice Shipping and Logistics. After a lunch break, the conference will reach the main panel entitled “2030 What Will We Be?”, introduced through wider frame addresses from prof. Roberto D’Alimonte - “ The Future Challenges in Liberal Democracies”, the Oxford University futurologist Hamish McRae - “ The World Economy in 2030” and the Chief Commercial Officer Marine RINA Paolo Moretti - “ The Shock of The New: Shipping 4.0”. The panel will include the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) president Esben Poulsson and its vice president Emanuele Grimaldi, the European Community Shipowners Associations (ECSA) presidentelect Claes Berglund (Stena), the past president ECSA John Lyras and Thomas Rehder, the Confitarma president Mario Mattioli and the formerSheik Yamani ‘think tank’ head Leonidas P. Drollas. The round table, moderated by Francesco S. Lauro - Studio Legale Lauro and David Osler - Finance Editor Lloyd’s List, willseeinterventions from James Bean - Managing Director The Standard Club UK, Mariella Bottiglieri - Managing Director Giuseppe Bottiglieri Shipping Company, Federico Deodato - president and CEO P.L. Ferrari & Co., Mauro Iguera - CEO CR Group, Lorenzo Matacena - Member of Board Directors Caronte &TouristSpA and Leendert Muller - Managing Director Multraship Towage&Salvage. On Thursday 10th October, the conference first session will bear the title “ The Shock of The New: Maritime InfrastructureFit for The Future” and will include contributions from Francesco di Majo - president Authority of Harbor System of the Central-NorthernTyrrhenian Sea, Umberto Masucci - president F2i Holding Portuale (FHP) and Pietro Spirito - president Authority of Harbor System of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea. The final session, entitled “The Shock of The New, Legal Responses: AI, Future Fuels, Brexit and Others”, will be opened with a keynotespeech by prof. Mans Jacobsson, formerDirector of the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds, who will address “The Legal Challengesarising from UnmannedShips”. The round table, chaired by Clive Aston - PastPresident LMAA Committee and Jonathan Lux - Mediator, Arbitrator and Barrister, will include contributions from Giorgio Berlingieri - President AIDM, whowilladdress “The AIDM and the Shipping Law Journal ‘Il Diritto Marittimo’ over 120 years from theirfoundation”, Francesco S. Lauro - Studio Legale Lauro, whowilladdress “ The Shipowners’ Limitation of Liability; an Old Story soon to Be New?”, James Leabeater QC - Barrister 4 Pump Court, who will address “The Legal Challengesarising from Brexit”, Robert Meijer - Manager Projects, Business Development SMIT Salvage, who will address “MaerskHonam; (legal) challenges with the TransboundaryMovement of Hazardous Waste and Disposal”, TiejhaSmyth - DeputyDirector (FD&D) North of England P&I Association, who will address “The New Challengesarising from New Sulphur Cap” and interventions from Bruno Castellini - Partner Jones Day, Mark Clough QC - of Counsel Studio Legale Lauro, David McInnes - Partner BDM Law and David Pitlarge - Partner Hill Dickinson LLP.