Under the agreement, which was signed in late September 2018, LTH-Baas will provide full turnkey integration of the scrubbers for the respective vessels, with the integration service expected to be completed by 2020. Furthermore, the cruise major signed a separate EUR 7.7 million agreement with UMOS, under which the company will provide various support services for the installation of scrubbers. Genting Hong Kong opted for scrubbers in order to comply with the International Maritime Organization’s upcoming requirement relating to reduction of sulphur oxides emissions, set to become effective from January 1, 2020.
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Genting Hong Kong Chooses Scrubbers for Three Ships
Under the agreement, which was signed in late September 2018, LTH-Baas will provide full turnkey integration of the scrubbers for the respective vessels, with the integration service expected to be completed by 2020. Furthermore, the cruise major signed a separate EUR 7.7 million agreement with UMOS, under which the company will provide various support services for the installation of scrubbers. Genting Hong Kong opted for scrubbers in order to comply with the International Maritime Organization’s upcoming requirement relating to reduction of sulphur oxides emissions, set to become effective from January 1, 2020.
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