I would also like to highlight once more our outstanding ability to acquire new orders. Standing already at a record level at the end of the first half, with the new orders acquired during July our backlog now exceeds euro 32 billion and testifies our ability to build and deliver on time high value added products. These orders will ensure workload for all the Italian shipyards in the coming years; in 2018 alone, we will deploy 15 millions of production hours, giving a fundamental contribution to the Country’s exportations. Fincantieri is a strong Group that was able, with its own forces, to lay the foundations for a bright future and that will ensure stability for the years to come in terms of both workload and margins. Leveraging on this strength, Fincantieri will be a protagonist in the consolidation of the European shipbuilding sector.”
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Fincantieri board approves 1h 2018 results
I would also like to highlight once more our outstanding ability to acquire new orders. Standing already at a record level at the end of the first half, with the new orders acquired during July our backlog now exceeds euro 32 billion and testifies our ability to build and deliver on time high value added products. These orders will ensure workload for all the Italian shipyards in the coming years; in 2018 alone, we will deploy 15 millions of production hours, giving a fundamental contribution to the Country’s exportations. Fincantieri is a strong Group that was able, with its own forces, to lay the foundations for a bright future and that will ensure stability for the years to come in terms of both workload and margins. Leveraging on this strength, Fincantieri will be a protagonist in the consolidation of the European shipbuilding sector.”
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