The cross-joint research issues will mainly concern the development of innovative products in a wide range, including adhesives, underfloor structures, surface materials (technical and finishing), grouts, supporting wall panels, detergents for the cleaning of furnished areas, materials and protection systems for furnished areas, thermal, acoustic and mechanical insulation. In the start-up phase, the activities will concern a number of materials and resins for innovative and high quality finishes, for waterproofing of wet areas, as well as textiles having high sound absorption characteristics. Furthermore, the agreement will encourage joint and collaborative training activities, with the aim of improving the innovative capacity in terms of product and process.
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Strategic cooperation agreement between Fincantieri and Mapei
The cross-joint research issues will mainly concern the development of innovative products in a wide range, including adhesives, underfloor structures, surface materials (technical and finishing), grouts, supporting wall panels, detergents for the cleaning of furnished areas, materials and protection systems for furnished areas, thermal, acoustic and mechanical insulation. In the start-up phase, the activities will concern a number of materials and resins for innovative and high quality finishes, for waterproofing of wet areas, as well as textiles having high sound absorption characteristics. Furthermore, the agreement will encourage joint and collaborative training activities, with the aim of improving the innovative capacity in terms of product and process.
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