Ultime notizie di Economia

EU, Baltic Cruise Dialogue in Copenhagen

November 11, 2016 - Encouraged by the European Commission's strategy for growth and jobs in coastal and maritime tourism, the stakeholders representing cruise lines, ports and destinations of the Baltic are engaging to shape the future for cruise tourism in the Baltic sea basin. They were meeting in the first Regional Dialogue for sustainable jobs and growth in the Baltic Sea basin. They are discussing how to promote cruise destinations, how to improve the impact of cruise tourism on local communities and on their economies and how to improve waste disposal and Port Reception Facilities.

The aim is to agree on common actions shaping a competitive and sustainable future of the Cruise industry in the Baltic Sea. Europe is one of the world's major cruise destinations, and the cruise industry creates jobs and growth. One fundamental objective of the cruise dialogue is to ensure more jobs and growth in the future, but only if sustainable. Healthy coasts and waters, as well as local cultures and traditions, are not only vital to the people of the EU but also a key selling point for the cruise business.

Preserving them is thus crucial, and the Baltic maritime region is particularly keen to adopt the principles of the Circular Economy in Europe. This Baltic dialogue follows up on the Pan European Cruise Dialogue held in Brussels on 5-6 March 2015 and on the first Mediterranean Cruise Dialogue held in Olbia, Italy, on 14 October 2015.

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