June 23, 2016 - Vittoria Shipyard has extended its horizons to the South American market. Over the past few days, the Adria-based firm – which is one of Italy's largest builders of military, paramilitary, commercial, transport and working ships – has signed an agreement to work with SIMA Perú, a publicly-owned company that plans, builds and maintains ships, including the naval vessels belonging to the Marina de Guerra (Peruvian Navy), in close agreement with the Peruvian Ministry of Defence.
The agreement is for the analysis and execution of future projects to build highly-technological naval vessels which meet the country's special geographical needs. SIMA has been involved for several years in an ambitious project to modernise its production facilities, after work to extend the base at Callao, the most important port in Peru. The Marina de Guerra, SIMA's main client, has itself announced its wish to update its fleet.
The choice of Vittoria Shipyard, as explained in a statement issued by SIMA, came about because of its extensive international background, and the experience and know-how that the firm has in planning and building specialised paramilitary and military vessels: especially search and rescue (SAR) boats for emergency situations (such as providing help in isolated areas after floods or earthquakes), landing craft and interceptors, as well as fast attack craft to detect and counter illegal trafficking.
The deal marks Vittoria Shipyard’s debut in the South American market, with the prospect not just of building new ships, but also of transferring know-how and technological skills through specific cooperation agreements with local firms and research and development projects which involve universities, such as the University of Trieste, and international research centres.