The expected strong participation to the TEN-T days among others underlines the interest and expectations that transport stakeholders and institutional actors grant to the issue of infrastructure financing and its role. Transport is an enabler of economic growth and jobs, currently giving jobs to 20 million persons and accounting for 10% of total EU employment. It is therefore crucial to continue to invest in the completion of the Trans-European Network for Transport (TEN-T) thus allowing to create 10 million additional jobs and 1.8% GDP growth expected by 2030 Decrease in national transport budgets has led to less and less investments in transport infrastructure and it is anticipated that the non-completion of TEN-T will cause the loss of around 3.2 billion EUR GDP and the non-creation of 11 million job-years.
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The expected strong participation to the TEN-T days among others underlines the interest and expectations that transport stakeholders and institutional actors grant to the issue of infrastructure financing and its role. Transport is an enabler of economic growth and jobs, currently giving jobs to 20 million persons and accounting for 10% of total EU employment. It is therefore crucial to continue to invest in the completion of the Trans-European Network for Transport (TEN-T) thus allowing to create 10 million additional jobs and 1.8% GDP growth expected by 2030 Decrease in national transport budgets has led to less and less investments in transport infrastructure and it is anticipated that the non-completion of TEN-T will cause the loss of around 3.2 billion EUR GDP and the non-creation of 11 million job-years.
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