Azimut Yachts: Sipg Corporate is the new dealer in Shanghai

After the successful outcome from the opening of Azimut Yachts Thailand, Azimut Yachts Indonesia and Azimut Yachts Hong Kong, the Italian Shipyard continues to invest in the Asian Market and announces the launch of a New Dealership in Shanghai. The new collaboration is the latest step to
increase the presence of Azimut Yachts in China and it’s coherent with the new network strategy based on the establishment of a strong local partner dedicated to Azimut Yachts only.
SIPG is one of the port operator leaders in the world and the biggest in China.

In the yachting business it’s already a consolidated player with two marinas in Shanghai, where a new Azimut Yachts Showroom and a new Azimut Yachts luxurious Clubhouse will open in the Bund to guarantee the best quality of Customer Care to the Azimut Yachts clients.
Marco Valle, Executive Vice President Sales Worldwide and Azimut Yachts China Chairman, said about the new partnership:

“SIPG is the ideal partner to represent Azimut Yachts in a strategic Area of China as Shanghai has confirmed to be. Thanks to its financial strength and its nautical knowledge, SIPG will provide to the Chinese customers the passion and the luxury experience of the Italian Marine lifestyle of which Azimut Yachts is proud to be the worldwide ambassador.”

Mr. Henry Huang - president of SIPG – declared: "Shanghai Port International Cruise Terminal has began to focus on the development of water tourism industry as well as the promotion of the quality lifestyle for Chinese people. The strategic partnership with Azimut Yachts will not only improve on the level of people's personal quality lifestyle, but also further enhance the expansion of entire yacht industry chain in the East China area.”

The official launch of the New Dealership has been already scheduled for the mid of July 2015 in the SIPG Marina based in the North Bund Area.

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