Superyacht sector on the lookout for more professional recruiting approach
Shipping recruiter Faststream reports that superyacht managers are seeking more carefully selected crew members and that the traditional ‘pr...
Shipping recruiter Faststream reports that superyacht managers are seeking more carefully selected crew members and that the traditional ‘pr...
Trade, Markets, Shipping, Ports, Investments, Finance, Sustainability at Iron ore and at Coal World Shipping Summit – Wednesday 1 October 20...
I dialogatori di Save the Children tornano a bordo delle navi Tirrenia. Dal 4 al 7 settembre, infatti, sarà replicata l’esperienza svoltasi ...
Geodis Wilson, one of the world’s leading freight management companies, has been awarded Logistics Management’s “2014 Quest for Quality Awar...
L’isola azzurra sposa la danza con due luoghi d’eccellenza: Capri e Positano. Torna il 23 e 24 Agosto la II Edizione del Premio Danza Capri ...
Dopo la Roma per 1, il GiragliOne e la Carthago, Mario Girelli ha deciso di correre in solitario anche la Palermo Montecarlo. Mario Girelli ...
Danaos Corporation purchased a Nautis DNV Class A FMB Simulator and Instructor Station for training of its fleet members. The simulator wil...
24 marzo 2025 – Seabourn ha reso noto che il suo team di spedizione per le crociere in Alaska previste per l'estate sarà composto da nat...