Thursday 30th October 2014, Augusta, Nave "Cavour" - Commercial Port of Augusta, berth Cavour 4 and 5. Contrada Punta Cugno, Building Ed1 Programme: Opening session Europe is facing the double challenge of creating more growth and jobs than in the past, while making sure that economic growth is consistent with a good state of the environment and with the sustainable use of the planet resources. "Blue Growth" is a concept that integrates
growth and ecosystems in one coherent policy vision. Healthy, well-managed oceans can be a source of food, jobs and prosperity; at the same time they must continue to provide the essential protection without which nine billion human beings cannot survive. Seas and oceans have an enormous, untapped potential for creating wealth in a vast number of fields.
A number of new and innovative maritime sectors, such as offshore energy, green shipping, or blue biotech, as well as more traditional sectors, such as, maritime transport and fisheries, can be a major source of growth and jobs. If well managed, they can preserve and actually improve the state of the environment.
The conceptual framework to support this vision is already there - in the Blue Growth agenda and the new Common Fisheries Policy. Moderator: Mr Giorgio Dell'Orefice, "Il Sole 24 Ore" Speakers: Welcome address by Adm. Giuseppe De Giorgi, Chief of Staff, Italian Navy. Introductory remarks by Mr. Maurizio Martina, Minister for Agriculture, Republic of Italy. Ms. Lowri Evans, Director-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Commission, European Commission. Mr. Alain Cadec, President of the Committee on Fisheries, European Parliament. Mr. Joseph Mizzi, Ministers for Transport, Malta. Mr. Árni Mathiesen, Assistant Director-General Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, FAO Two important steps towards common fisheries management have been achieved in 2014: - the new EU Common Fisheries Policy which provides for multi-annual management plans on a regional basis; - the endorsement of a new GFCM Agreement, which promotes multi-annual management plans as a main tool to achieve long-term sustainability of stocks and a better compliance with GFCM applicable rules.
This is a new approach which will require concrete initiatives to be developed in the near future, with the active involvement of stakeholders. This session would discuss the new regulatory framework and the prospects and conditions for developing such initiatives.
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