European Commission at Slow Food event in Italy in October 2014

The “Salone del Gusto – Terra Madre” in Turin (Italy) on 23-27th October 2014 will host the closing event of the “Inseparable” campaign, the EC online campaign promoting awareness about sustainable seafood among "informed" European consumers and other market actors. The “Salone del Gusto – Terra Madre” is a biannual event organised by Slow Food in the Italian city. At the European Commission booth hosted by Directorate-General for
Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) visitors will find material to help consumers make the right seafood choices, including informational quizzes and games for young people. DG MARE has also launched an initiative with the primary schools of the region in collaboration with the Italian school authorities. The schools will be invited to create artistic or other works on the theme "Che pesci pigliare – No ai pesci sotto taglia!" ("Choose your fish – No fish smaller than the legal size!"). These works will be exhibited at the stand.

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