The European Commission has reached the halfway mark in its adoption of each Member State's "Partnership Agreement". Partnership agreements between the European Commission and individual EU countries set out the national authorities' plans on how to use funding from the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) between 2014 and 2020. They
outline each country's strategic goals and investment priorities, linking them to the overall aims of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund is one of the five funds which together will help tackle unemployment and boost competitiveness and economic growth through support to innovation, training and education in cities, towns and rural areas.
They will also promote entrepreneurship, fight social exclusion and help to develop an environmentally friendly and resource-efficient economy. The other funds are: The European Regional Development Fund; The European Social Fund; The Cohesion Fund; The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. To date the European Commission has adopted 14 Member States' Partnership Agreements with several more to follow imminently.
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