Jul 22 - 7 pm CET
Isola del Giglio – The Concordia refloating was completed this afternoon. Works are in progress to complete the last operations to prepare the Concordia for the departure and for the mooring in Genoa Voltri Port. Tomorrow morning, Wednesday July 23th, Titan Micoperi will begin the departure maneuvers for the Concordia to leave from Isola del Giglio once the ferry from Porto Santo arrives at 8.30. Operations are planned to be completed in about 4 hours.
The wreck will be disconnected from the towers and connected to two tug boats at bow. In the meantime the results of the analysis performed on the sea waters confirm their quality.
After Concordia departure, environmental monitoring will continue in the upcoming days. The activities for the environmental remediation will be started immediately, with the sea bed assessment, the removal of the towers, and the first tests on the removal of the grout bags used to create the false sea bed on which the wreck laid before the refloating.
Jul 23 - 6 am CET
Isola del Giglio – Preliminary activities for Concordia departure maneuvers have begun at 6 am.
Jul 23 - 9 am CET
Isola del Giglio – With the arrival of the last ferry, operations to disconnect the mooring cables that connect the Concordia to the towers on the shore side are in progress.
Jul 23 - 12 pm CET
Isola del Giglio – This morning at around 11 am, the Concordia has begun its navigation towards Genoa with an average speed of 2 knots. The arrival in Genoa is planned at the moment between Saturday July 26th and Sunday July 27th.
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