The European Commission took a further step towards a more effective and cost-efficient surveillance of European Seas by announcing the Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE). By bringing together surveillance data from civil and military authorities like coast guards, navies, and fisheries and
border control, duplication of work can be avoided and a potential €400 million worth of savings can be made every year.
Increased cooperation and sharing of data will help to deal with "real time" events at sea such as accidents, spills, crime or any other security threat. CISE aims to help the relevant actors share live information and data and is a key part of the recently adopted European Maritime Security Strategy.
The CISE Communication is indicative of the progress and commitment made at EU and national level since a roadmap was outlined in 2010. It proposes guidance and priorities for further action with a main focus on how to further enhance information exchange – in particular between civil and military authorities - to better interconnect existing maritime surveillance systems. This will bring allow for more effective and timely co-ordination of maritime surveillance operations in EU waters. It will help create a safer investment climate for blue growth and ensure the security of EU citizens.
The Commission will launch a project under the EU's 7th Framework Programme for Research in order to test Maritime CISE on a large scale. Along with Member States, it will produce a best practice handbook on how to apply CISE based on experience from existing systems and pilot projects like MARSUNO, Bluemassmed and Cooperation.
Maria Damanaki, Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, said: “Sustainable economic growth within the maritime sector can only be ensured if our seas and oceans are safe and secure. CISE aims to make sure that all involved maritime surveillance actors have a complete picture of all events at sea. Sharing such information is key to avoid duplication in collection of data and for the use of patrol ships, planes, helicopters or satellites in the same sea areas. Today, about 40% of information is collected several times and 40% to 80% of information is not shared amongst the interested users. We cannot afford such a waste of efforts and money".
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